građanska hrabrost
Građanska hrabrost između straha i savjesti
Građanski hrabar je samo onaj ko (sam pred sobom, pred svojom savješću), nema hrabrosti da bude kukavica
Građanski hrabar je samo onaj ko (sam pred sobom, pred svojom savješću), nema hrabrosti da bude kukavica
THE IMPERATIVEOF CIVIL COURAGE Our association is guided by civil courage, which was offered by prof. Dr. Esad Bajtal. Prof. Esad Bajtal, PhD, a philosopher, sociologist, psychologist from Sarajevo, is one of the most influential intellectuals in the region. He is known for his ruthless critical analysis of the situation in Read more…
SECULARITY WITHOUT COMPROMISE Through our support center “Secularism without Compromise” we offer support and advice regarding preserving secularism and freedom of/from religion, especially in the educational system. In the sense of law, the term secularity means the institutional (and mental) procedure of separation of religious communities from the state, which is also Read more…
SOPHIE SCHOLL LEGACY Sophie Scholl Legacy was founded on March 20th, 2013. Through this Legacy, the Center promotes an invigoration of the culture of responsibility, a confrontation with the past, a culture of retribution for war crimes, and solidarity with the victims i.e. survivors of all aspects of violence. The legacy Read more…
LEGAT SOPHIE SCHOLL Kroz Legat Sophie Scholl – osnovan 20. ožujka 2013. godine – Centar za građansku hrabost se zalaže za jačanje kulture odgovornosti, suočavanja s prošlošću, kulture kažnjivosti ratnih zločina kao i feminističke solidarnosti sa žrtvama, tj. preživjelima svih vidova nasilja. Legat je dobio ime po Sophie Scholl, njemačkoj Read more…
THE VOICE OF REASON –A MOVEMENT FOR SECULAR CROATIA To Whom It May Concern Allow us to introduce our informal initiative The Voice of Reason – Initiative for Secular Croatia. We are a group of individuals and associated organizations that, under the name Coordination for Secular Croatia, organized the Reason Read more…
GLAS RAZUMA – POKRETZA SEKULARNU HRVATSKU Poštovane/i, Dopustite da Vam predstavimo našu neformalnu inicijativu Glas razuma – Pokret za sekularnu Hrvatsku. Sredinom siječnja ove godine prvobitno smo kao skupina pojedinaca i pridruženih udruga, pod imenom Koordinacija za sekularnu Hrvatsku, u Zagrebu organizirali Skup razuma – prosvjed podrške sekularnosti i Vladinom Read more…
REASON RALLY 2013 CITIZENS’ RALLY IN SUPPORT OF GOVERNMENT’SHEALTH EDUCATION CURRICULUM Several hundred citizens gathered last Wednesday, January 16, 2013, at the „Common Sense Gatherings“ in Split and Zagreb, organized by the Youth of Split for Health Education and the Coordination of Associations for Secular Croatia, respectively, to support the Government’s Read more…