Center for Civil Courage is a feminist and freethinking organization, established on 25th November 2011 in Croatia. From its beginning, the Center has been promoting civil courage, awareness of the merit of evolutionary humanism and secularism, human rights, and freedom of conscience, belief, and opinion, and especially feminist ethics of responsibility and solidarity in protecting human rights, equality, and critical dealing with the past.
Years that passed since we first organized as a civil association were full of challenges. We met many of them head-on. We courageously and explicitly stood for what we advocate – a humanist worldview based on critical and free-thinking and on the feminist theory and activism primarily insisting on empowering everybody who is different and thus deprived of civil rights.
We spoke loudly when many were silent. We offered support to people whom others decided to turn their back to. We vociferously expressed our discontent with violations of human rights.
Through our actions, projects and activities we are striving to primarily create a better and more humane world. Compassion and solidarity shall remain foundations for our future actions.
Center is a full member of Humanists International.
We cooperated with various other organizations on the following activities: